Sunday, January 11, 2009

damn it, I'm 18 mins late for today's blog.
By the way the beautiful picture is from Rome, my favorite place to be in. A part of me is there.

Anyway, I have beautiful news if anybody would ever like to travel abroad to Dubai. My bf and I have done like 18 hours of research for working abroad. He does interactive web and I'm hoping to be useful in some area LOL. After going through a lot of headache and looking for residential areas, and converting their money to Canadian dollars we finally decided that we should just give up. Never research for unknown and foreign countries on the internet.

So, then he called up a recruiting agency in Dubai and apperently a lot of the companies offer furnished housing for up to a year or 6 months or something. Plus no taxes, plus... really good money. I feel that it's too good to be true, and we'll buy a home and toilet will end up not working.... or something might go wrong. It's not just about the money, right? Wrong. :D So it's a big weekend. Now I'm watching Rocky fight Mr. T and looking up Mexican decor online.
Kay, I'm finally going to post. ciao.

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