Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Besides my portfolio, I'm thinking of taking some of my IMC work to my next interview.
Maybe that seems silly, but I took both IMC's this year really seriously in terms of focusing on the target market, buying behaviour and what the brand "needs." I enjoyed it so much that I spent HOURS doing the reports LOL. So, I've been preparing the ones I wanna take in and I'm excited because I want to show them that I don't JUST have to do Advertising.

I'm 21 so I'm not going to be strict on a career path since I don't know what's out there for me.

The only thing I'm certain about is doing my scriptwriting class for the rest of my life......? and.....
hmmm... Here's a part of an old song I love, written by John Lennon.

"There may not be much difference between Rockeffeller and you, if we hear you sing.
There may not be much difference between Rockeffeller and you, if we show our dreams"


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