Wednesday, January 14, 2009


A few really weird incidents in the past two days got me thinking about NY. I try not to think about a place that I miss because missing a place is DISTRACTING, then you find yourself thinking "If I was there right now, I'd be doing this...." etc. I've visited a few cities in the world and it's almost paralyzing when you have to leave. And not everywhere I've been..but I find some places do that. Then when I've left to come back to Canada there's always a big hole in my tummy.
See? I DO try not to think about it :D

I keep looking at all the pictures and thinking to myself the next time I go back to Europe, or New York I won't be a student.... AHHHHH...I think that's what I'll miss. Because you can always go back, but all the money, food and hotel issues won't be as funny.... you know?.. And I only mention NY state because it should be its own independant region away from the U.S.:D
So yeah, hopefully these weird incidents stop. But it was a beautiful distraction for the time being. I found a few print ads today that I liked. I posted the two above bcuz of the imagination that's used and they were done in Montreal, I just can't remember where.
Bye for now (L)

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