Thursday, February 5, 2009

I tend to look for talented people with no interest in advertising. They're often exes. I've hired an ex-architect, an ex-comedy writer, an ex-engineering with a PhD in psychology, and an ex- pyrotechnician. One guy had a clothing label, and a couple of years ago I just missed hiring a Swedish team with their own brand of breath mints. People like that don't just put their thoughts in portfolios for other to admire: They have enough faith in their own ideas to make them real. - Brian Miller.

That was from a creative director who was asked "What he looks for in juniors," taken from the book "Pick Me"

I loved reading this so much. It almost gives you a slap in the face, especially at this time when 80% of the time I feel like I'm thinking about my portfolio and pretty much neglecting my writing.

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