Friday, February 6, 2009

shes broke, but its ok....she hates california, its cold and its damp
THAT'S WHY THE LADY IS A TRAMP....da da dada...

A question has been on my mind for a while now. Whether you're in creative, account or business in advertising and you get that brief...are you supposed to sit there in your chair and think you wanna change consumer behavior? Or SIMPLY WIN AN AWARD?? I mean, there are cases where both happen, but if you pay close attention...even the best agencies do some campaigns that seem to only want to sell. Then they have other campaigns where it's clearly more about the artistic appeal of it than business; meaning it may not have brought in amazing profits for the client but it won beeeeautiful shiny awards :).

I just find it very interesting... because it somehow can decide the fate or your creative. It shouldn't, but I feel like if you have to bring in a 25% profit for the customer versus win an award the creative can go into two very different directions.

Besides that, what can I say? We're almost done. As excited we all may be I don't think it will sink in until late March. I have a feeling at one moment it'll just be like...holy sh*t.. I don't go to school anymore. That's me, always with the drama.

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