Sunday, February 1, 2009

Well hello,
it's been a BIG FEW DAYS. So many things have been happening. I haven't been writing because as MUCH as I love to write, everything was so hectic that even when I came to write I was so tired so my blog would've been reeeeally boring.

Anyway, so I've been researchin Dubai for HOURS and hours for the past few weeks. It turns out that if you go there to LOOK for a job, it's going to be hell since rent is very very expensive. However, if they see my work while I'm here and I get hired, or transfered from a certain company there's an 85% chance that they'll offer me a furnished house UP TO 6 MONTHS, until I get my own place.

Also, one should try their best to BUY an apartment/house versus renting one. Buying is much cheaper in the long run. I've never been there, which is weird because it's so close to my home lol. All I can say about advertising is that I'm really busy with the portfolio :) I'm too exhausted to explain :p

Ahhhhh, 3 more weeks....????? Really???

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