Thursday, January 15, 2009

Goodnight Toronto

In Toronto. Can't fall asleep. Had to drive my mom here for the usual English translation for her appointment. It's sooo odd I'm sleeping on my friend's brother's bed because she can only fall asleep on her own bed. What if he walked in with his gf?? oh God. At least the bed will smell nice.
I'm going to miss tomorrow's class, and if the weather is bad I'm going to brunch until I can drive :D

Before I say anything else watch this tv spot for Andy Warhol's art gallery in London:
There's nothing outrageous or so clever about it, I LOOOOVE that it's so subtle. With most tv spots there's usually that big climax. I thought this one was so "quiet"... nice change.

Anyway, I've been searching a few brands and their background. Like Budweiser, Disney, MTV, Kodak... OH! and I found this book on the Gucci dynasty.... yeah I know, they're actually a DYNASTY. And their family stories are worst than my own, just horrible... hahaha the writer spent waaaayyyy too much time back stage. Anyway these BRAAANDS. I know I'm not really experienced yet, but it seems like taking care of a brand is like taking care of a child....except it's much harder.

If you think about it, the mistakes literally cost a lot of money, ur reputation and the WORST thing that could happen to a brand is when other ppl's brands are BETTER.....that's like finding out all these other children are going to make it in the world and yours won't. Anyway, I'd rather take care of brands than actual children. Their history is really interesting just makes you realize how many people have worked tirelessly for years to keep up with the market.
I've written too much again.

Off to watch the Sopranos.

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