Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's not as bad as it looks

hellooo, yay the blog isn't as lonely anymore. lol.
I wanted to go down the list of the blogs and see everyone's but then I went to my writing class, watched tv then went to walk my puppy. Wow, every major job search engine I've gone through is full web designer/programmer positions. We've worked with the Adobe programs for a while now, but the labor still seems so intense no matter how beautiful the design is.

Grrrr I got mad at my bf because he was teaching me Flash coding and I told him u're going too fast... and he wasn't. So then I realized I'm not catching up because it's overwhelming and I'm intimidated by him. I know I need to grow up. (no, I didn't mean my height) :D

Flash is like the older, MUCH PRETTIER sister... and it takes years for u to learn what she already knows. I don't even have a sister.

Whatever. I'm so excited, Sopranos is starting soon. What else?...My neighbor's daughter was asking me random survey questions today and she asked me "How I want to die" .... it's retarded, but so interesting. I've never thought about it. I know I definitely want to die in Italy...as the location. I guess in my home, but in the Spring....so everything smells nice in my garden and I have thin bed sheets and it's all elegant. In my bed, OR while in a dark movie theatre mwahhaha. romantic. If I have a child or grandchild I'll force them to blog so u guys can find out how I died !

I better have an internship done by then. Byyyyye

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