Saturday, January 17, 2009

I think I need to blog during the day on Fridays and Saturdays from now on.
I've made a fool of myself in regards to my internship opportunity. This is what happens when you don't focus on ONE thing, and your head is in 5 places at once.
I'm not even going to get into the story. I'm going out for wine. The snow is soooo pretty tonight.

JOLIE NUIT, I think that's how you say "pretty" in French. Maybe not. But for some reason I feel like white wine and I don't really drink that in winter. Besides my EMBARRASSING internship story, I have nothing to say about Advertising, collateral, web, marketing, OR ANY OF IT.........

Except that I love it and I'm really excited mwahahahah. Byyyyyyye..

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